Cool Tip: Zip-Top Bags Aren't Just for Storage...

So Much to Marinate...So Little Time...

First let’s talk about why you want to marinate your protein.

A good marinade enhances your protein, giving you more layers of flavor and a more complex and interesting finished dish.

A marinade which contains both salt and acid (vinegar, citrus juice, wine, etc.), can make your product juicier. Contrary to popular belief, a marinade doesn’t tenderize a tough piece of meat--that just doesn’t work. Here’s Alton Brown’s scientific explanation of what a marinade does: “...the salt in a marinade affects the proteins at the surface of the meat, a process called solubilization, so that the space between the meat fibers opens up, thus allowing for better absorption... The acid weakens the proteins so they can better bind with the liquid, thus increasing the meat’s water-holding capacity... Then, in the coup de grâce, the salt swells outer fibers, eventually sealing them, so the moisture is locked inside. The result: a flavor-loaded piece of meat that’s less likely to dry out during cooking.”

Adding sweet ingredients to your marinade (the sugars in wine or citrus are good examples), can help to form an appealing caramelization on the outside of the meat.

So now we have some very good reasons to marinate, what’s the best way to do it?

We’ve found that a zip-top bag is by far the most convenient and most effective way to marinate for several reasons:

  1. It takes up less space in your refrigerator (always at a premium in our house).
  2. It ensures more contact between the meat and the marinade.
  3. It’s easier to turn the meat to make sure all sides are covered.

And finally, here are a few tips to remember:
  1. Always marinate in the refrigerator.
  2. Set your zip-top bag in a container, just in case there are any leaks
  3. If you're basting with a liquid in which raw meat has been marinated, either boil the marinade for a few minutes first or do not apply it during the last three minutes of grilling.
