Cool Tip: Gift Registry...Not Just for Weddings Anymore...

There are so many reasons and occasions to give gifts: birthdays, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, special events, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentines Day, hostess, thank you...and the list goes on. Wouldn’t it be great to get or give something that was truly wanted? Think of a Gift Registry as a wishlist with benefits--the benefits being that you can share it with others.

In our view, everyone should have a gift registry somewhere, just to keep track of the things that catch their eye and that they would love to own when they “get around to it”. Well now, for our friends, customers and Newsletter readers, when you set up a Gift Registry with at least 3 items, we’ll give you a “Round Tuit”. In this case, the Round Tuit is 100 Cooks’ Club Points in your account.

So look through our site, think about the things you’d love to have, and then set up your own Gift Registry to make it easy on those who want to give you gift (or just come back later and find the things you want for yourself.)
