Cool Tip: Undressing Your Corn...

Getting the corn out of its husk and silk can often be a challenge, but there’s something that you probably already have in your kitchen that can offer some help: your microwave!

First you have to start with corn in its husk (which we think preserves its freshness and sweetness better). Then there are two choices for using the microwave to help you undress your corn (taking off its outer husk and its “silky underthings”):

  1. If you just want to remove the husk and silk, but use another method for cooking, then cut off the base of the corn just above where the last bit of husk is attached, microwave for 30 seconds per ear, take out of the microwave carefully (it will be pretty hot), and then holding the top of the corn husk, shake the ear out of the husk. Most of the silk will stay with the husk.
  2. If you want to cook your corn that way (and we often do), cut the bottom of the husk as above, microwave for 4 minutes per ear, and then shake the corn out as before...only now, it’s ready to eat!
