Cool Tip: Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut...The Incredible Almond

Everyone is talking about almonds as one of the new superfoods. The magazine Marie Claire reports,

“In their natural state, almonds contain almost entirely 'good' fats or monosaturated fats, which can lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. They are also packed full of essential minerals including magnesium, potassium and calcium.

According to new research by the University of Toronto, almonds are as powerful at reducing cholesterol and the build-up of fatty deposits in arteries (known as atherosclerosis) as a statin drug - often taken to prevent the condition.

Just a handful of the nuts can provide 50% of our daily intake of Vitamin B6, which is essential to keeping the nervous and immune systems healthy. The same amount also gives nearly three quarters of the recommended amount of Vitamin E, key to maintaining a healthy heart.

Nutrionist Fiona Kirk explained: 'It seems that their fibre structure may help block absorption of fat and carbohydrates and improve satiety - which could help prevent weight gain and stave off the onset of diseases such as type 2 diabetes.'”

This is great news, because almonds really taste good, too. And now (hear ruffles and flourishes): almonds are also lower in calories than previously thought! The Food Network reports that, “A new study published in the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that almonds have 20% fewer calories than originally thought. The results found that a one-ounce serving of almonds (about 23 nuts) has 129 calories as opposed to 160 that’s currently listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel.”

So superfood and less calories too...have some almonds!

